Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Choral Society named after M. Leontovych, Member of the Board of the Society, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Female Choir of the Kyiv Institute of Music named after R. Glier, People’s Artist of Ukraine.
Well-known conductor in Ukraine and in Europe, Professor of the department of performing disciplines at the Kyiv Institute of Music named after R. Glier.
After graduating from the Kyiv State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky, she dedicated more than five decades to the job with children’s, educational, amateur and professional choirs in Kyiv.
Since 1976, Halyna Horbatenko has been leading the conducting class at the Glier Institute. Many of her graduates have won international competitions and are now working productively in professional choirs and educational institutions of Ukraine.
In 1985 she created the Female Choir, where the students of the Choral Conducting Department sing. Halyna Horbatenko relentlessly shares her extensive experience with young conductors at choral seminars and conducting masterclasses, both in Ukraine and abroad (Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Estonia, Russia).
Halyna Horbatenko sees the constant progress of performing skills, close cooperation with contemporary Ukrainian composers, and mainly, the popularization and development of choral art in Ukraine as her main goals in creative work.