Women choir «Rozmay»

Women choir «Rozmay»

This choir group was founded in 2010. It is a training choir of the Municipal Establishment “Kharkov Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy” of the Kharkov Regional Council 

The Art Director is Julia Ivanova PhD in Arts (Candidat of Science), choir conductors are Olena Khalieieva and Iryna Podduda.

Julia Ivanova

The main aim of the choir activity is forming special musical skills among future musical teachers, growing up active musical society, which is able to self-educate and self-develop. 

A great attention is dedicated to the repertoire forming. There are best examples of the world and Ukrainian classics, sacred music, variations on folk song and pieces by modern composers also in it. 

The choir is a regular member of the municipal concerts and a winner of many competitions. Among them you can find:

• VIII Mykola Leontovych Ukrainian Choir Competition – The laureate of the ІІІ degree;

• І Open Festival-Competition «Битва хорів» – The laureate of the І degree;

• V International Festival-Competition of the Musical Art «Київський колорит» – The laureate of the І degree;

• Municipal Competition of the Amateur Art Performances «Студентська весна – 2017» – The winner;

• Kharkov International  Charity Competition «Запали свою зірку» – The Grand-Prix winner;

• V Ukrainian Festival-Competition of the Musical Art «Арт – Домінанта» – The winner.

