Academic choir of students Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Academic choir of students  Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Academic choir of students Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Artistic Director and Conductor – Laureate of the International Competition Vyacheslav Boyko.

Choirmaster – Viktoria Voskoboinikova.

Concertmaster – Irina Zapara.

The academic choir of students of the KhDAK repeatedly presented the choral art of the Slobozhansky region at the National Concert Hall “Ukraine” and at the Kiev National Philharmonic. The Academic choir annually takes part in international, all-Ukrainian choir festivals and competitions of sacred and secular music.

In 2014, the choir was awarded the Grand Prix and the First Prize diploma of the of the All-Ukrainian festival of choral music “View of Rizdva do Rizdva” (Dnepropetrovsk).

In 2016 – laureate of the First Prize at the II International Music Competition “WORLD OF MUSIC” (Austria, Salzburg).

The absolute winner and holder of the title “Internet Music Champion of the World 2016” in the nomination “Chorus” of the VI International Music Competition “INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION 2016” (Serbia, Belgrade).

Laureate of the First Prize in two categories: “Sacred music” and “World music” of the VI International music competition “INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION 2016” (Serbia, Belgrade).

In 2016 – the academic choir received the highest award – Grand Prix of the XXXV International Festival “HAJNOWSKIE DNI MUZYKI CERKIEWNEJ” (Poland).

In 2017 – Laureate of the First Prize at the VII International Music Competition “INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION 2017” (Serbia, Belgrade).

In 2017 – Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Festival named after M. Leontovich. The KhDAK academic choir was included in the “RECORDS BOOK OF UKRAINE” for setting the record of Ukraine. Category “Mass events” (Ukraine, Vinnitsa).

Creative biography of the conductor of the KhDAK academic choir Vyacheslav Boyko

Boyko began his career in 1979 as a chief choirmaster of the Honored Folk Choir of the House of Culture “Metalist”. Headed by V. Boyko the choir is awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR. At the same time V. Boyko organized a choir of veterans of the Second World War in the area Babai. Both of the creative groups have repeatedly become Laureates of All-Union and Republican choral competitions and festivals. In 1990, V. Boyko founded the chamber choir “First Capital” at the Holy Intercession Monastery in Kharkiv. The choir conducts active concert activities, preserving and reviving the national, spiritual traditions of Ukraine and Slobozhansky region. The choir gained recognition in Ukraine as well as abroad. In 1993, the choir took part in the XII International Festival of Church Music (Poland), where it received the First Prize diploma and was awarded the Grand Gold Medal and the Audience Award. During 1996–1999, the choir had toured in Germany (Nuremberg, Regensburg, Rothenburg, Erlangen).

Boyko has been working at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture since 2000. Candidate of Art History since 2008. In 2010 he was appointed associate professor, since 2012 he has been the head of the Department of Choral Conducting and Academic singing KhDAK. V. Boyko is the author of more than 30 scientific works on the problems of musical culturology, art history.

In 2001, at the XX International Festival of Church Music (Poland), V. Boyko was awarded a special prize of the festival jury and a diploma of the Laureate as the best conductor. During 2012–2020, the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture academic choir of students headed by V. Boyko implements active educational activities aimed at preserving the national choral culture and art, participates in international choral competitions, festivals of Ukraine, concerts in Kharkiv and the region.

In 2017, V. Boyko became a Diploma winner of the competition “High School of Kharkiv Region – the best names” (nomination “Head of the Department”). In 2019 he was awarded the Silver Medal of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine.

Over the years of pedagogical activity V. Boyko has raised more than 40 graduates, among them are winners of choral and conducting competitions and festivals, soloists of opera houses and etc.

More information about the choir on social media

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