Children’s Choir “Sounds of Music”

Children’s Choir “Sounds of Music”

Choir “Sounds of Music” of the Children Music School No9 named after V. Sokalsky has a long academic tradition. Since school founding in 1967, the junior choir under the direction of L.V. Vasyura gradually created its history for many years. In the 90’s T. Raigorodska, A. Popova, I. Hryhorovych directed the choir. From 2004 to the present, the choir is directed by a teacher of the highest category, methodologist Popova Olena, a graduate of the school.

Olena Popova

Concertmaster I.G. Torska-Lytvyn has been working with the choir for many years. Every year the choir gains professional growth.

Today, the choir of middle classes is an intermediate stage in the educational process of the vocal and choral department, creating a further professional base for the choir of senior classes. The preparatory stage for the choir “Sounds of Music” are groups of junior classes. Thus, consistency and systematicity is one of the main features of teaching methods. Much attention in everyday choral work is paid to the instillation of intonation skills, as well as – the natural sound of children’s voices, as a consequence of the emancipation of the vocal apparatus as a whole. The performance of the choir is always distinguished by the refined taste of the selected repertoire, interesting interpretation of works, and academically designed sound. In the basis of the repertoire there are classical works for children in the original or choral translations, but attention is paid to the singing acapella of Ukrainian folk songs. One of the favorite areas of performance of young choristers is works of jazz.

As an educational group and a concert unit, the choir actively participates in the concert life of the music school and beyond. For many years the choir has been an active participant in many city events: concerts dedicated to the Victory Day in World War II, concerts dedicated to the City Day and Independence Day (2010, 2016, 2017, 2018), participated in symphonic music concerts with “Slobozhansky”orchestra (2012, 2013), participant of the project “Children of Kharkiv – for peace” (2017, 2018) and the All-Ukrainian music project “We are the Universe, We are Children” as part of the consolidated choir of Kharkiv (2019). Together with the senior choir we took part in studio recordings for city events. The choir “Sounds of Music” collaborates with the theater “Don Diez” of Children’s Music School #9, with soloists from other departments of the school and an orchestra of folk instruments, creating interesting unique examples of children’s performance. Collaboration is also maintained with the Kharkiv State Library. V.G. Korolenko and the Central City Library. V.G. Belinsky: the choir took part in concerts dedicated to the Victory Day in World War II (2009) and on the occasion of the anniversaries of the Austrian Library and the German Reading Room (2016).

   Over the past fifteen years, the choir “Sounds of Music” has participated in many city, regional and national festivals and competitions, and won the following:

  • the City Festival of children’s choirs “Low bow to you, veterans” (2005 – III degree , 2009, 2010),
  • Regional Festival of Choirs “Singing Spring” (2011, 2016),
  • Silver Medal of the IV Delphic Games of Slobozhanshchyna “Hope. Youth. Talent” (2014, Kharkiv),
  • Open Festival of World Music. MD Leontovych (2017, 2018, Kharkiv),
  • City competition-festival of creativity “City of Talents” (Kharkiv, 2017, 2020),
  • IV and V All-Ukrainian competition-festival of music art “Art-Dominanta” (2016 – I degree, 2018 – II degree, Kharkiv).

The choir has repeatedly performed on the leading stages of Kharkiv – Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Lysenko and Kharkiv Regional Philharmony. Thus, in February 2020, “Sounds of Music” was invited to participate in a concert of choirs of art schools of Kharkiv region in the Festival of Performing Arts and Methodological Innovations “Art Vernissage-2020” to the 20th anniversary of the Regional Training Center for employees of cultural education institutions.

Choir repertoire

