Musica Sacra Ukraina: Partesny Dimension project aims to study one of the treasures of Ukrainian choral music and Ukrainian culture of the Baroque – partesny singing. The chosen format of the laboratory provides for close cooperation of singers, choirmasters and scholars studying early music, constant dialogue and search for performance solutions relevant for the historical style of Baroque music. The artistic director of the project is choir conductor, Ph.D in Musical Art Nataliia Khmilevska, scientific advisor of the project is Yevgeniya Ignatenko – musicologist, Ph.D in Musical Art, assistant professor of Early music department of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. A new audio CD of Ukrainian partesny concertos will be presented online on October 9 2020.
13 compositions taken for release make up a panorama of Ukrainian partesny singing from 70-80’s of 17th till the middle of 18th century.
Nine four-voice concertos by Mykola Dyletsky are taken from the Dylecki, ca. 1630-1690. Vesperae, Liturgia, Concerti quatuor vocum, published at the end of 2018 in Warsaw by Russian musicologist Irina Gerasimova. Dyletsky’s four-voice concertos were performed for the first time by soloists of Open Opera Ukraine last year at the concert Resident of the city of Kyiv in Kyiv St.Sophia’s Cathedral.
Dyletsky’s eight-voice concerto Come, o people was authorized and published in 2006 in Partesny concertos of the 17-18th centuries from the Kyiv manuscripts collection.
Three 12-voice concertos by anonyms of the first half of the 18th century will be presented. Manuscripts are kept at the Institute of Manuscript of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in Kyiv. Anonymous works decoded and scored by Yevgeniya Ignatenko are performed for the first time.
The recording of CD took place in Kyiv in the “Kyrylivska tserkva” museum (12-19th cent.) of the National Sanctuary Complex “Kyiv Sophia”. This location is a landmark of an ancient Ukrainian architecture, unique in acoustic qualities. All concertos are performed solo by Open Opera Ukraine vocal ensemble singers.
Website in Ukrainian and English was created as part of the Musica Sacra Ukraina: Partesny Dimension project as well.
Musicologists and singers, art critics, specialists in Ukrainian Baroque will take part in the online presentation on October 9 2020. Registration is available.
Event on Facebook