Senior Students Choir M. Leontovych Children’s Art School Ν4

Senior Students Choir  M. Leontovych Children’s Art School Ν4

The Choir has a long history as early as 1934, when the School was opened. Starting from that period such personalities as N. Myhailova, Y. Yarmak, T. Shnaperman, N. Kanevska,V. Bashevskyi, O. Vinogradova, I. Yezhova, A. Zadorozhnia, I. Bogunova successfully worked with the choir.

The senior students Choir is one of the extremely skilled creative groups of the M. Leontovych Arts School Ν4.

The Choir stands out for high artistic level of performing, inspiration which makes you feel the passion for music, radiating from every participant.

Maryna Safonova

Since 2008 Maryna Safonova a person devoted to her profession, has been conducting the choir. She instills love for choral art, fosters culture and artistic taste for music and highly respected by her students.

The concertmaster of the choir is Olesia Vyshnevska.

The choir consists of middle and senior classes students. Who get their musical education at piano, violin, folk instruments and solo singing departments.

Over the years the choir has developed its own style of performing, enriched the repertoire with different genres, achieved significant success and has become a great friendly family.

The choir has been closely cooperating with creative groups of the school for many years, namely, the orchestra of accordionists, folk instruments orchestra and ensemble of violinists «Barcarolle».

The choir actively participates in regional, town, district arts events. The professional level of performing allows the choir to compete with the best choruses of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.

In 2019-2020 the choir was awarded with Grand-Prix of opened M. Leontovych festival of World music; became the laureate of the first prize of the city competition-festival “The city of Talents” and later the same year won Grand-Prix of Novo-Bavarsky district festival “Way to the Stars”.