Hanna Kaminska

Member of the Board of the National Uktainian Music Union Association “Ukrainian Choral Society named after Mykola Leontovych”. Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv Regional Branch of NUMU. Chief Administrator of the National Honored Academic Chapel of Ukraine “DUMKA”.

Honored Worker of Ukraine Culture (2019).

Born on August 11, 1948 in Poltava region, in 1979 graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts named after I.Karpenko-Kary as a theater expert.

She has been working in the music and cultural spheres for over fifty years. Since 1972 she was responsible Secretary of the Kyiv branch of the Music Society of Ukraine apparatus. In 1990, she was elected as a Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the National Ukrainian Music Union. Since 2004 she is an employee of the administrative-management department of the National Honored Academic Chapel of Ukraine “DUMKA”. As a music-public figure Kaminska combines organizational work with artistic activities, being the initiator of a number of art projects.

Member of Organizing Committees of prestigious Ukrainian competitions and festivals:

Ukrainian Choral Competition named after Mykola Leontovych;

Ukrainian festival-competition of folk choral singing named after Porfiry Demutsky;

Ukrainian club of conductors of children and youth choirs “Tonika”;

Ukrainian Competition of Choral Conductors;

Ukrainian competition of children-composers “Live Music” and others.

She is a member of the Audit Committee of the National Ukrainian Music Union. She was elected as a member of the Coordinating Council of the National Art Unions of Kyiv Region, a member of the Artistic Council for consideration of the issues of the Kyiv Regional Music Prize and the scholarship of the Regional Chairman. 

For the significant contribution to the development and preservation of the traditions of the national musical culture, fruitful long-term activity in the field of music and aesthetic education of children and youth, active public activity Hanna Kaminska was repeatedly awarded with medals, certificates of appreciation and thanks: medal of the USSR (1982), diploma of the regional State Administration (2001, 2003, 2008, 2015), diploma of the National Ukrainian Music Union (2003, 2008, 2013), thanks diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2009), reward of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine “For the achievements in the development of culture and arts” (2015).